Last semester of my Postgrad.

Today I just received an email from my faculty which shows me a list of courses that I can take in next semester.

it took me while staring at that email. Im thinking because its my last semester I should take course that can easily get me an A, but which one?


Fortunately, my grade is good enough for me to take a full credit which is 3 courses, I even took 1 additional on short semester last month (so I took 4 course). 

and Final thesis hahahaha dag dig dug......

Consumer Behaviour is compulsory for me because my thesis is about marketing and my supervisor insist every student of her thesis guidance require to take that course.

So, I still have 2 more course that I can choose freely.

If I choose corporate risk management then I will meet finance again hahahah tbh Im not a-number person hahahaha but I know the teacher, he is good and his way of learning is fun.

Business Plan in Property? hmm I kinda think of that bcs my dad is working in that field its something that familiar to me. beside I always want to have an investment in property but I dont know where to start. I think this course is the answer hahaha but but but but this could be a little bit harder to get an A hahahaha (I should get cum laude) HAHHAHAHA. no judge. 

everyone has a dream right? XD

Branding and marketing? again, if its about marketing its suit me because I intend to focused on that purview. 

Okay then,

I think this course sound fun hahahaha, branding and marketing I think its something that we always see and its around us without we realize.

so the last course? which one......

I confused, hmmm 
