My favorite snack


I think mango + milk is the best snack ever. 

nothing can feel heavenly than a bite of ripe and juicy mango in your mouth, and you know what mango has folate, Vitamin A, B6 and C.

and I've read that due to weight loss, mango can help you because they have a high fibre content and low energy density. mangoes have 0.6 calories per gram.

Fibre increases the feeling of fullness and decreases the absorption of micronutrients such as fats and carbs, says an article published in the “Nutrition” in March 2005. One cup of mango serving has 2.6 grams of fibre, which is 10 per cent of the daily value one needs.

Mango is also rich in beta carotene, which is known to reduce the risk of certain types of cancer.

see, how much benefit we can get thru this delicious food!! you guys should try too! and don't forget to pouring a milk into a bowl of mangoes ^.^ 
