Bye, Bandung
I think my time in Bandung has finished, I didn't find any other reason for me to stay longer.
I though I will find a love here dikota kembang, but maybe it just maybe.. love is not meant to be for everyone. :)
selalu suka sama vibes Bandung, cocok banget buat aku yang suka jalan-jalan sendiri, coba coffee shop baru.
2 hal yang aku dapetin selama di Bandung;
1. I love croissant so much.
2. My ability to stay focus is so strong hahha (kalau udah fokus, orang ngomong di samping aja gak bakal sadar).
For now, I hope where ever I go, I stay, I wonder I feel happy.
Thank you Bandung,
untuk segala kenangan, persahabatan, tangisan dan yang paling penting kebersamaan.
Goodbye for now, but let's meet again. someday.